Blessed Alexandrina Maria da Costa (1904-1955)

Alexandrina Maria da Costa (1904-1955)




Alexandrina Maria da Costa was born on 30 March 1904 in Balasar, Portugal. She received a solid Christian education from her mother and her sister, Deolinda, and her lively, well-mannered nature made her likeable to everyone.

Her unusual physical strength and stamina also enabled her to do long hours of heavy farm work in the fields, thus helping the family income.

When she was 12, Alexandrina became sick with an infection and nearly died; the consequences of this infection would remain with her as she grew up and would become the „first sign“ of what God was asking of her:  to suffer as a „victim soul“.

The consequences of sin

When Alexandrina was 14, something happened that left a permanent imprint on her, both physically and spiritually: it gave her a face-to-face look at the horror and consequences of sin.

On Holy Saturday of 1918, while Alexandrina, Deolinda and a young apprentice were busily sewing, three men violently entered their home and attempted to sexually violate them. To preserve her purity, Alexandrina jumped from a window, falling four metres to the ground.

Her injuries were many, and the doctors diagnosed her condition as „irreversible“:  it was predicted the paralysis she suffered would only get worse.

Until age 19, Alexandrina was still able to „drag herself“ to church where, hunched over, she would remain in prayer, to the great amazement of the parishioners. With her paralysis and pain worsening, however, she was forced to remain immobile, and from 14 April 1925 until her death – approximately 30 years – she would remain bedridden, completely paralyzed.

Alexandrina continued to ask the Blessed Mother for the grace of a miraculous healing, promising to become a missionary if she were healed.

Little by little, however, God helped her to see that suffering was her vocation and that she had a special call to be the Lord’s „victim“. The more Alexandrina „understood“ that this was her mission, the more willingly she embraced it.

She said:  „Our Lady has given me an even greater grace:  first, abandonment; then, complete conformity to God’s will; finally, the thirst for suffering“.

Mission to suffer with Christ

The desire to suffer continued to grow in her the more her vocation became clear:  she understood that she was called to open the eyes of others to the effects of sin, inviting them to conversion, and to offer a living witness of Christ’s passion, contributing to the redemption of humanity.

And so it was that from 3 October 1938 until 24 March 1942, Alexandrina lived the three-hour „passion“ of Jesus every Friday, having received the mystical grace to live in body and soul Christ’s suffering in his final hours. During these three hours, her paralysis was „overcome“, and she would relive the Stations of the Cross, her movements and gestures accompanied by excruciating physical and spiritual pain. She was also diabolically assaulted and tormented with temptations against the faith and with injuries inflicted on her body.

Human misunderstanding and incredulity were also a great cross for her, especially when those she most expected would „assist“ her – members and leaders of the Church – were adding to her crucifixion.

An investigation conducted by the Curia of Braga resulted in a circular letter written by the Archbishop which contained a series of „prohibitions“ regarding Alexandrina’s case. It was the result of a negative verdict made by a commission of priests.

In addition and by way of spiritual comfort, after her spiritual director, a Jesuit priest who had helped her from 1934 to 1941, stopped assisting her, a Salesian priest, Fr Umberto Pasquale, came to her aid in 1944.

Nourished only by the Eucharist

On 27 March 1942, a new phase began for Alexandrina which would continue for 13 years and seven months until her death. She received no nourishment of any kind except the Holy Eucharist, at one point weighing as few as 33 kilos (approximately 73 pounds).

Medical doctors remained baffled by this phenomenon and began to conduct various tests on Alexandrina, acting in a very cold and hostile way towards her. This increased her suffering and humiliation, but she remembered the words that Jesus himself spoke to her one day:  „You will very rarely receive consolation… I want that while your heart is filled with suffering, on your lips there is a smile“.

As a result, those who visited or came into contact with Alexandrina always found a woman who, although in apparent physical discomfort, was always outwardly joyful and smiling, transmitting to all a profound peace. Few understood what she was deeply suffering and how real was her interior desolation.

Fr Pasquale, who stayed close to Alexandrina throughout these years, ordered Alexandrina’s sister to keep a diary of her words and her mystical experiences.

In 1944, Alexandrina became a member of the „Union of Salesian Cooperators“ and offered her suffering for the salvation of souls and for the sanctification of youth. She kept a lively interest in the poor as well as in the spiritual health of those who sought out her counsel.

„Do not offend Jesus anymore!‘

As a „testimony“ to the mission to which God had called her, Alexandrina desired the following words written on her tombstone:  „Sinners, if the dust of my body can be of help to save you, come close, walk over it, kick it around until it disappears. But never sin again:  do not offend Jesus anymore! Sinners, how much I want to tell you…. Do not risk losing Jesus for all eternity, for he is so good. Enough with sin. Love Jesus, love him!“.

Alexandrina died on 13 October 1955. Her last words: „I am happy, because I am going to Heaven“.

Homily of John Paul II

Predig deutsch

Wie ein Kreuz eine der großen Mystikerinnen des 20. Jahrhunderts ankündigte

Ungefähr 40 Meilen nördlich von Porto in Portugal liegt das Dorf Balazar. Hier wurde die selige Mystikerin Alexandrina Da Costa 1904 geboren. Auf der Flucht vor einigen Männern, die sie vergewaltigen wollten, erlitt sie eine Lähmung. Bekannt wurde sie dadurch, dass sie Anteil an den Leiden der Passion und Kreuzigung Christi erhalten hatte.

Viele Jahre vor Geburt der Seligen trat in Balazar ein merkwürdiges Kreuz am Erdboden auf, das bis heute sichtbar ist. Am Fronleichnamstag des Jahres 1832 bemerkten die Gläubigen, die zur Heiligen Messe gingen, nahe der Kirche dieses geheimnisvolle Kreuz.

Damals sandte der Pfarrer von Balazar einen Brief an den Erzbischof von Braga, in welchem er ihm berichtete, „dass die Erde, die das Kreuz zeichnete, weißer war als die umliegende und dass es schien, als würde auf den gesamten Erdboden Tau gefallen sein, außer auf die Stelle, an der sich das Kreuz befand.“

„Ich bat sie, den ganzen Staub und die Erde wegzufegen, die an diesem Ort verstreut waren, und wie zuvor erschien an der gleichen Stelle und in der gleichen Form das Kreuz. Ich befahl, reichlich Wasser darauf zu schütten, damit das Kreuz und die Erde verschwänden. Daraufhin nahm die Erde, die die Form des Kreuzes bildete, eine schwarze Färbung an, welche sie bis heute bewahrt hat“ schildert Pater Leopoldino Mateus.

Am Ort der Erscheinung des Kreuzes wurde eine Kapelle errichtet, mit der Zeit nahm die Verehrung zu und es geschahen Wunder. Trotzdem konnte sich niemand erklären, warum sich dieser Vorfall in Balazar ereignet hatte.

An einem Donnerstag, dem 30. März 1904, wurde in diesem Dorf Alexandrina María Da Costa geboren. Als die Selige 14 Jahre alt war, drangen Männer in ihr Haus ein, in der Absicht sich an ihr, an ihrer Schwester und an einer Freundin der beiden zu vergehen. Um ihre Reinheit zu verteidigen, stürzte sich Alexandrina aus dem Fenster des zweiten Stocks und blieb später aufgrund der Folgen des Sturzes für den Rest ihres Lebens gelähmt.

Ihr Gebetsleben vertiefte sich und sie hatte mehrere mystische Visionen, in denen der Herr sie einlud, ihre Leiden und Opfer für die Rettung der Seelen darzubringen.

Die selige Alexandrina erlitt mehrere Jahre hindurch an jedem Freitag die Schmerzen der Passion Christi und am 5. Dezember 1947 offenbarte ihr Christus die Bedeutung der Erscheinung des Kreuzes in Balazar.

„Ich habe der Pfarrei dieses Kreuz gesandt als Vorankündigung Deiner Kreuzigung. Das Kreuz war bereit, Du aber fehltest noch. Du bist das erwählte Opfer des göttlichen Ratschlusses. Es ist nicht nur meine Alexandrina, die gekreuzigt ist, sondern Christus in ihr. Durch sie habe ich zwei Früchte erhalten: die Liebe zum Kreuz und eine große Sühne für die Sünden der Welt.“

Gegenwärtig hat sich die Kapelle, die an der Stelle des Kreuzes und des Geburtshauses der seligen Alexandrina Da Costa steht, in eine Gebets- und Wallfahrtsstätte für Tausende von Gläubigen aus aller Welt verwandelt. Das Fest des Heiligen Kreuzes (auch Fest des Herrn vom Kreuz genannt) wird in Balazar jedes Jahr am zweiten Sonntag im Juli mit einem feierlichen Gottesdienst begangen.

(Eine frühere Version dieser Geschichte wurde am 10. Oktober 2015 veröffentlicht.)


PORTO , 03 January, 2017 / 8:47 AM (CNA Deutsch).-
